The client who collaborated with my university class is AFA, truck transport service on special railway wagons traveling between Italy and France across the freeway railway.

The client who collaborated with my university class is AFA, truck transport service on special railway wagons traveling between Italy and France across the freeway railway.

After the Frejus accident and the various work-related delays caused by the NOTAV, AFA suffered serious image damage.

That is why we were required to reposition the brand and create a new strategic communication, that expressed the new corporate image. After careful research and defining the promise of the brand, we came to define safety as our brand essence. Starting from this we defined the logo, brand identity, website, service app, and social advertising and industry magazine. In particular my group worked on the logo and all the brand identity, eventually including the whole work in a brand book.​

Group: Bottinelli Giulia, Cappai Matteo, Marzano Valeria, Petrella Luca e Scagliusi Domenico